Close The Divide” is a 90-minute feature documentary that premiered at the Calgary International Film Festival (CIFF). Produced by NewPath Influence and DDG, and directed by Tom Acton, the film delves into the complexities of climate change and the societal divisions it fosters.
The documentary addresses the widespread confusion surrounding climate change, highlighting the emotional and often polarized viewpoints that have emerged. It explores the intricate relationship between humanity’s energy consumption and the imperative to mitigate environmental impact. By challenging viewers to reconsider their preconceived notions and understand opposing perspectives, “Close The Divide” seeks to bridge the gap in the climate discourse.
Director’s Statement:
Tom Acton expresses a deep interest in the current climate debate, noting the polarization between different demographics and the tendency toward catastrophic outlooks. He emphasizes the importance of acknowledging the complexities of the issue and the dangers of confirmation bias and tribalism. Acton believes that fostering understanding and communication between differing viewpoints is crucial to unlocking effective action on climate change.
Additional Information:
For more details about the documentary and other projects, visit NewPath Influence’s portfolio.